A Pregnant Pause

Have you been wondering lately what God is trying to convey to you in this season we are all in or is it just me? I had a recent conversation with a group of friends that I pray with every Thursday evening and I mentioned that I felt like I was on pause and needed prayer in order to learn the lesson that I need to learn to graduate to the next level that God is taking me to. Although there is so much happening all around us and its literally hard to keep track of what is the latest guidance, I also sense a pause in the world that is divinely connected to our purpose and the will that God has for our life.

Yesterday morning, I listened to a sermon and the pastor literally mentioned the word “pause”. My ears perked up since I said the same word the day before which made me even more intrigued that I felt this, someone said it and that God was trying to convey something to me in that moment. During these uncertain times, I have been reading more Psalms lately because I can so relate to the words that are pouring out like a river flowing, often creating additional conversation between me and God. After reading this verse, I asked Him what He wanted me to take away from this and it was right there in bold letters: “be still and know.”  

When I first analyzed the “be still” part, I thought about the journey as a moment of pregnancy when the development and incubation of a precious person or animal is being molded and formed in order to be released into the world. I then sensed that during this time where we must stay in and isolate from others, that God wants us to be still; not lazy or distracted, but still. In this stillness, He can communicate to us on a different frequency if we receive it, which can birth beauty out of the ashes we experience daily.

As I settled into this, I then reviewed the next statement “and know that I am God.”  I mean, I know that He is God, but when I read it again and again, I felt it. It was peace. Knowing who God is in your life provides us with the encouragement we need to get up each day and to embrace what we are to face. If we allow Him in to actually create the metamorphosis in our life right now as we are being separated and perhaps set apart for something greater, then, like the end of a pregnancy, we will give birth to something that only God can place in us. As you continue your coping in quarantine, try meditating on this scripture verse for the next seven days and ask God to reveal the “be still and know” part of the verse on a personal and intimate level.

As we enter into the second trimester of this year, create space to be still in His presence and to know that He is God, your God, our God now and forever more.

Stay Encouraged!

Published by drnatragland

Author, Blogger, Veterinarian, Professor, & Mentor seeking HIM, obeying the call and completing my assignment

6 thoughts on “A Pregnant Pause

  1. Thank you! I have been so blessed by your devotions! Thank you for using your gifts for God’s glorious kingdom building! 🙏🏼🙌🏽


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