The Weight of Opportunity

…..”Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!” Luke 12:48 (MSG)

…..”From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from him who has been entrusted with much, even more will be demanded”. Luke 12:48 (BSB)

…..”Much will be required of everyone who has been given much. And even more will be expected of the one who has been entrusted with more”. Luke 12:48 (HCSB)

Photo by Leon Ardho on

I recently read a post that stated “opportunity is calling, will you answer?” In reading this post I started to think about the dichotomy of opportunity. On one hand it’s exciting and on the other hand it’s burdensome. It can feel heavy and light at the same time. As we receive more opportunity, then more responsibility ensues. This thought drew me back to Luke. I have been reading this chapter over the course of the month as I work my way through the Bible again this year. I read this verse a few weeks back, underlined it and asked God why it kept resonating day after day, not realizing that I would experience this weighted blessing in the near future.

As I began to read this verse in different biblical iterations, I shifted my focus on what God is asking of me and in turn what is required from me. Surrendering our life and will to His is not a natural feeling by any means. It requires separation of self and intense periods of pruning and preparation. God blesses us all with many gifts and inherent abilities that are designed to be sown into the world, but we have the free will to decide how we will use what He has given.

Sometimes the opportunity that is on our doorstep is wrapped up in other’s expectations, our worries, doubt in ourselves and the opinions of man. But, if God presents something to us, which is His will for us and we move in faith, then our response will become what seems to many and even to ourselves as unnatural or even unpopular. This movement is not something that just happens overnight. We literally have to partner with Him which takes a certain level of spiritual diligence to hear when He is drawing us to another level.

As we continue to walk this walk of endurance facing the weight and all of the pressure, let us fully understand that we are not in this alone and if He has provided an opportunity for us, then He will assist in carrying the load with us. Trust His process, not the world’s pressure.

Seek Him. Obey the Call. Complete Your Assignment.

Published by drnatragland

Author, Blogger, Veterinarian, Professor, & Mentor seeking HIM, obeying the call and completing my assignment

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