
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. (Colossians 4:2)

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (Romans 8:26)

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Prayer– such a powerful word often misused or taken for granted. Late 2023, I started a book on this topic entitled “Prayer” by E.M. Bounds. As soon as I began reading the pages, the information was so heavy and rich, that I realized it would take me many months to get through this book. The words are like arrows penetrating my heart and convicting me of my own prayer life. I have often said that one of the most influential individuals in the Bible for me, is praying Ana in Luke 2. Although she is mentioned very briefly, her prayer life demonstrated one in which I respect and desire to emulate.

And the Holy Spirit began pricking my heart more about this area last year. So I started this new season with a deeper longing to embody a more powerful transformative prayer life, which begins with partnering with the Holy Spirit by removing my preconceived notions on how or what to pray for. I admit there are some days when I may be overwhelmed with the world, life, or something stirring within, but knowing that God is hearing, that the Holy Spirit is operating, and that Jesus is also interceding, provides the most sacred daily experience. 

This year that we are blessed to be in, will be one that we have never experienced before. We will encounter many opportunities where prayer will be the most critical element for any change, but it is not just about the prayer, it is about our commitment to Gods will and our own actions. E.M Bounds wrote something that has ministered to me very deeply. He writes, “We cannot divorce praying from conduct“. And as we seek God in prayer, I pray that we all begin to examine our ways, our life, our influence, our actions, and our faith for what we are submitting to God in prayer.

Be Encouraged.

Seek Him. Obey the Call. Complete Your Assignment.

Published by drnatragland

Author, Blogger, Veterinarian, Professor, & Mentor seeking HIM, obeying the call and completing my assignment

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