Delighted in the Journey

The steps of a man are ordered by the Lord, who takes delight in his journey. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed for the Lord is holding his hand. Psalm 37:23-24 (BSB)

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on

I was thinking about this “journey” that we are all on. We are walking this life thing out daily. This life is filled with many highs, lows, ups, and downs and it is a process of “getting there”, not the end of arriving. I started asking God, “are you delighted in my journey?” I must admit, there was a twinge of conviction that flickered as I am realizing that there have been times when I clearly heard from God to do something, and I did not.

I recognize the heart of repentance cannot be void of conviction and I am grateful for even noticing. In my list of prayers that I have in my notebook, one of the them is that God’s desires become all of our desires. In thinking about what that takes to accomplish, I think this is the point of arrival. When we let Gods will and His way become paramount in our daily life, we are allowing Him to order our steps.

This takes such a heart of surrender that is often mired in our carnal nature and earthly desire to “arrive” based on material , personal, or professional achievements. But God is still so gracious and loving to understand that although we will continually fall, He has us by the hands. The journey of truly ordering our steps is the process of arriving to the fullness of our true self in Him.

Let us commit to allowing Him to assist.

Stay Encouraged.

Seek Him. Obey the Call. Complete Your Assignment.

Published by drnatragland

Author, Blogger, Veterinarian, Professor, & Mentor seeking HIM, obeying the call and completing my assignment

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